Not SOOC, but only the color balance is changed in post processing.
This was an easy photo to take. It was taken at the Arboretum at the University of Kentucky. We simply found a large tree with red/yellow leaves and took the shot. We were turned at about a 70 degree angle from the sun that was about an hour away from setting. The leaves blocked out some of the sunlight, but the rest created a nice glow behind us.
Another favorite, this one is SOOC (except for the logo of course).
This was taken at a park near our home. Considering that it was shot wide open (f 1.8 for my lens), I'm happy that it isn't terribly out of focus. I love the fall colors. It was cloudy that day, but we still had enough light to get a decent shot.
Another one of my favorites. I am considering using this one as a cover photo for our Christmas cards.
The photo above is SOOC and was taken when the sun went behind a cloud. It was about an hour before sunset. We were facing the sun and the camera was slightly above us, on a small hill. I just love the colors in this one.
Love this one of us throwing leaves. It is edited, but only the color.
This was shot about two hours before sunset. You can see that the sun is coming over my right shoulder. This hasn't been sharpened to be posted yet, but you get the idea.
These are some of my favorites, let me know which should go on the cover of our Christmas cards and I'll do a complete tutorial on the favorite.
Here are the photos that we chose for our Christmas card.