
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Colorizing Black and White Photos

This is not a complete how-to post, but I would like to share some of my new (very amateur) Photoshop work! I'm using a copy of Photoshop CS2 that I got for my birthday years's maybe 7 years old.  All I'm doing is working in new layers for each color and changing the blending mode.  If there's any interest, I'll do a complete how to very soon.

The photo above was taken around 1962 (about 54 years old).  It is a photo of my great aunt and great uncle, my grandma's sister and my grandpa's brother.  When I traveled home for my great aunt's funeral, I saw this photo hanging on a collage cork board.  My great uncle expressed interest in having an enlargement.  I couldn't just blow it up...I had to make it better.  After removing some scratches and noise from the photo (using the cloning tool, the patch tool, and noise reduction), I desaturated the photo, added some contrast and sharpened it with smart sharpen.  That made a decent looking black and white.  But I still couldn't let it go.  After talking with my grandma, I learned the color of everything in the photo and went to work.

I added an adjustment layer to the photo, chose a color, inverted the selection, chose "overlay" for the blending mode, and started painting with a paintbrush set to white to let the color layer show up.  I did this for every color that I used (five shades of green for the grass and trees).  I labeled each layer with the name of the thing that I would be painting (pants, shoes, skin) so that I wouldn't get them confused.  When the colors overlapped, like the green and the skin color were one on top of the other, I selected the layer that I wanted to move and used either the smudge tool to move it, or the brush tool to hide it.

Here are my final results:

PS: Don't forget to add some pink tones to their faces.  If you don't, they'll look pale.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to leave comments letting me know what you think, what you want to see, and ideas on what to do better. I want to learn how to Photoshop and take photos!


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